Learn more about the funded projects in each RFP in the menu below.
Healthy birth: a prospective study to assess the introduction and effects of a multifaceted intervention to improve the quality of care during childbirth and birth in hospitals in Brazil
The research evaluated the impacts of the Adequate Childbirth program, developed by ANS and Albert Einstein Hospital and already implemented in 143 private…
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Maternal neuro-psychiatric disorders in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle: early detection and intervention and its consequences in the family triad
The study investigated the prevalence and the incidence of depression during and after pregnancy, as well as the effect of an intervention based on a specific…
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Program to support mothers (PAM) and teachers (PAP) to improve cognitive, social and communication skills in preschool children, improve maternal quality of life and decrease domestic violence
The study developed two specific programs and materials for essential caregivers of children up to six years old: Mothers Support Program (PAM) and Teacher…
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Early stimulation program for premature children and their parents: Establishing the impact on neurodevelopment at 18 months of corrected age
For the first time in Brazil, the study developed and implemented an intervention conducted by the parents, family and caregivers to stimulate preterm…
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Counseling for healthy sleep habits during childhood: a randomized controlled trial
The research developed a sleep counseling program for parents of children from three months to two years old and evaluated the possible effects of the…
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Reduction of prematurity from pre-eclampsia care
For the first time in a developing country, the study evaluated the combination of two tools (a biomarker test and the World Health Organization’s fullPIERS…
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Monitoring child development indicators in vaccination campaigns: a tool for planning and evaluating intersectoral actions
First Brazilian instrument to assess child development of children up to five years old and to monitor the care they are offered with respect to health,…
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ABRACAMAL: Elucidating the contribution of malaria relapse components to achieving radical cure
The study proposes to follow patients with malaria in locations with different transmission scenarios to determine the actors related to infection recurrence.…
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Data Science applied to epidemiological and demographic information as a strategy to simulation and malaria vigilance monitoring in the Brazilian Amazon
The objective of this project is to develop data visualization tools and malaria outbreaks spreading simulation-based in machine learning methods, using…
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Phase II study to evaluate primaquine safety and tolerability for radical cure of uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax malaria in children (CHILDPRIM Study)
This clinical trial seeks to fill a global gap in the treatment of uncomplicated vivax malaria: to evaluate the safety and tolerability of short and long-term…
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Use of aerobic granular sludge (AGS) to remove antibiotics from hospital wastewater
Hospitals are a leading source of effluents with high concentrations of antibiotics. The final disposal of hospital effluents without prior treatment directly…
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