Platform of production and infection of Nyssorhynchus darlingi- experimental study of the pathogen-vector relationship (Plasmodium vivax - Ny. darlingi) for the development of control strategies in Brazil

Jansen Fernandes de Medeiros

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)

Project name

Platform of production and infection of Nyssorhynchus darlingi- experimental study of the pathogen-vector relationship (Plasmodium vivax - Ny. darlingi) for the development of control strategies in Brazil


This project intends to establish a platform for colonization and mass infection of Nyssorhynchus darlingi, the primary vector in almost every state in the Amazon region and one of the more efficient vectors in the process of Plasmodium spp transmission. The establishing of a mass breeding colony of the main malaria vector in Brazil in the laboratory is extremely necessary and represents a primary condition for the development of malaria research in a multidisciplinary context. This project will allow establishing the first platform for mass production and infection of Ny. Darlingi, supplying the scientific community with quality services, infection models and technical training.

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